Gene Campaign has been working for the last few years in about 80 villages in Kumaon/Uttarakhand
Sustainable and climate resilient agriculture
To enable farmers to adapt to climate change and build resilience into agriculture and food production.
Improving Household Food and Nutrition
Establishing homestead gardens to provide green vegetables year round to add dietary diversity and improve household nutrition by
Reviving underutilized foods
Reviving wild, semi domesticated and underutilized foods to enhance the food basket and make available additional nutrition to the family
Collection, Characterization and Conservation of Agrobiodiversity
Collection, characterization and conservation of the genetic diversity of crop plants, especially rice, to increase seed choices and stabilize agriculture
Community-led Seed Production
Village communities are being trained to produce quality seed of crops of local importance, to ensure timely supply of quality seed
Income Generation Activities
SHGs and Farmer Clubs are provided training to produce value added products from locally available bioresources
WADI Program
GC began the WADI program in Jharkhand aiming for a comprehensive approach to ecological restoration, rural development, food and nutrition security
Documentation & Protection of Indigenous Knowledge (IK)
Documentation of Indigenous Knowledge of tribal communities has been done to protect their knowledge from biopiracy; GC campaigns for a law to protect IK
Advocacy to Protect Farmers’ Rights
Gene Campaign’s successful advocacy to reject seed patents and bring in a novel sui generis law to grant legal rights to farmers over seed led to India’s unique PPV- FR legislation
Advocacy to Regulate GM Crops
Through public education and legal action, Gene Campaign works to get stringent biosafety testing, accountability and technical competence in the regulatory systems for GM crops
Training and capacity building
Training programs for rural and tribal communities help to build capacity in improving agriculture and increasing food , nutrition & livelihood security
Policy Advocacy
As a rights based campaign organization, GC has fought successfully to get a biodiversity law and is active on the issues of IK, IPR & biopiracy, Seeds Bill & technology adoption.
Rights Awareness of Rural and Adivasi Communities
Having fought for legal rights, GC works with village communities using multimedia programs to create awareness about the rights given to them in law
Security of food, nutrition and livelihoods for all.
To work for a just and equitable policy framework and research incorporating traditional and modern science, to enable sustainable agriculture, self reliant farmers and food for all.